Patent Illustrations are a graphical representation of an inventive concept in the patent application. Patent Illustrators help patent seekers to create an effective and stunning drawing for their invention. Illustrations begin with the disclosure of the design of the invention and the configuration of the product. They show a precise shading of the invention which shows the shape and design of the patent clearly. But these days there are only a few patent illustrators who are providing high standard illustration services to the clients. With the passage of time and advancement of technology, patent illustration process has to undergo certain changes. Thus, it becomes important for one to adapt to the change accordingly. So, there are some important qualities that one should seek while hiring a patent illustrator.
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Essentials of Patent Illustrators
Patent illustrations have always been an essential component of patents. Not only it gives a clear picture of one’s invention but also minimizes the examiner’s time to grant the patent. However, with the advancement of time creating patent drawings of the invention has become more complex. So, it becomes extremely important to hire a good patent illustrator. Some of the reasons to hire good patent illustrators are:
Technicalities in the illustration:
The technological advancement is changing every sphere of our life and the same goes with the patent illustrations as well. However, for an accurate patent illustration, illustrators use this software in conjunction with their expertise. It helps them describe invention precisely in an effective manner.
Timely delivery of the illustration:
The illustrators are mostly able to meet deadlines without compromising on the quality of the work. A proficient illustrator knows how to proofread and check his work for any errors within the time limit. Furthermore, he ensures that the illustrations capture the invention precisely to the point.
Confidentiality of the invention:
Until the publication of the patent application, it is safe to keep the idea of the invention as a secret. Ensuring the confidentiality of the idea is essential while disclosing it to some third party. So, the illustrator should ensure right at the beginning that the client’s confidentiality will remain intact. Keeping an invention secret is a sign of a good illustrator as ensuring confidentiality is of utmost importance.
Patent regulatory norms:
This is one of the most important steps while hiring a professional illustrator. The required format for patent illustrations differs from country to country. An expert illustrator is one who understands the nuances of patent drawings and has a good hold of all the regulatory norms. In short, the illustrator should be well aware of the patent office requirements. He should also be aware of the various jurisdiction and common examiner rejections. A good and experienced illustrator put all his knowledge in the drawings to make it an excellent patent drawing.
Method of implementation:
The experienced illustrator knows various methods to implement the patent drawings to make them look conventional on the patent application. He knows the required number of drawings and is able to illustrate the same including the complicated views to claim a design. The patent illustrations can also be made either manually or by computer-aided designing methods. Depending on the requirement of the client, a good illustrator knows which method to choose.
Related Article: Hiring Good Patent Illustrators Vs. Do it yourself (DIY) with Patent Drawing Software: which will be a smarter choice?
Looking for Patent Illustration? – Professional Patent Illustrators
If you want to get world-class patent illustrations, Professional Patent Illustrators (PPI) would ease your task in doing so. We are a team of professionals who are expert in providing you with world-class patent illustrations. Over the years, by offering quick and accurate services to several corporations, we have established our name for the clients. No matter how complex is the patent drawing you are looking for, our experts are well equipped in handling those. PPI also uses the latest software along with the manual expertise for the illustration with 100% compliance to patent office rules. For more information, visit Professional Patent Illustrators.
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